Archives: Resources

Unmet need for family planning is typically calculated for currently married women, but excluding husbands may result in misleading estimates of couples’ unmet need. This study builds on previous work and proposes a method of calculating couples’ unmet need for family planning based on spouses’ independent fertility intentions.

As you are reading this text, a girl, a teenager or a woman is being sexually abused somewhere in Nicaragua. And on top of the trauma of sexual aggression experienced by so many Nicaraguan girls, many are obliged to continue with a rape-imposed pregnancy, putting their physical and mental health at risk and becoming a form of discrimination and torture.

available here Couples’ unmet need for family planning in three west African countries An overview (in Portuguese) of the sexual and reproductive health and rights landscape in Brazil at the end of the two-year mandate of the National Special Rap …

Sex workers’ need for safe abortion services in Uganda is greater than that of the population of women of reproductive age because of their number of sexual contacts, the inconsistent use of contraception and their increased risk of forced sex, rape or other forms of physical and sexual violence. This study sought to understand sex workers’ experiences with induced abortion services or postabortion care (PAC) at an urban clinic in Uganda. Nine in-depth interviews were conducted with sex workers. Several important programmatic considerations for safe abortion services for sex workers were identified. Most important is creating community-level interventions in which women can speak openly about abortion, creating a support network among sex workers, training peer educators, and making available a community outreach educator and community outreach workshops on abortion.

Couples’ unmet need for family planning in three west African countries Unintended pregnancy among adolescents (10–19 years) and young women (20–24 years) is a global public health problem. Adolescents face challenges in accessing safe abortion c …

Couples’ unmet need for family planning in three west African countries Unsafe abortion in Kenya is a leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. To understand the methods married women aged 24–49 and young, unmarried women aged ≤ 20 used …

Despite the adoption of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act in 1972, access to safe abortion services remains limited in India. Awareness of the legality of abortion also remains low, leading many women to seek services outside the health system.

This study examined awareness of unwanted pregnancy, abortion behaviour, methods and attitudes toward specific legal indications for abortion via a school-based internet survey among 378 adolescents aged 12–21 years in three Rio de Janeiro public schools.

To explore the feasibility of educating communities about gynecologic uses for misoprostol at the community level through community-based organizations in countries with restrictive abortion laws, the Public Health Institute and Ipas conducted an operations research study in 2012.

Both Wubalem and Chaltu live only five kilometers from the nearest public health clinic. Under Ethiopian law, both have the right to safe, legal abortion. Yet, because of unnecessarily broad interpretation of U.S. government policy, one was denied this fundamental right.

Logically, all women receiving abortion care should also receive contraceptive information, and a method if they wish one; likewise, family planning providers should be equipped to support women who have unintended pregnancies. However, integrating family planning and abortion care is often a challenge.

Available Here Couples’ unmet need for family planning in three west African countries Female community health volunteers (FCHVs) are a possible entry point for Nepali women to access timely reproductive health services at the village level. This …

Available Here Couples’ unmet need for family planning in three west African countries The topic of abortion stigma has caught the attention of researchers and activists working on reproductive health and rights around the world. But as research …

Available Here Couples’ unmet need for family planning in three west African countries As governments are complicit in the death and injury that results when women cannot access safe abortion, they are even more directly responsible for the loss …

Although abortion became legal in India in 1971, many women are unaware of the law. To evaluate the effectiveness of a behavior change communication intervention to improve women’s knowledge about India’s abortion law and their perceptions about abortion, a quasi-experimental study was conducted in intervention and comparison districts in Bihar and Jharkhand.

Volunteers are governed by a law passed in 1979 that prohibits Peace Corps from covering abortion care for volunteers (but not staff) for any reason. In 34 years, nothing has changed.

As Americans debate whether the United States should act militarily in Syria, my thoughts turn to the women. I have no idea what the right answer is militarily, but I do know that all women refugees are going to need basic reproductive health care, and women who are raped are going to need appropriate treatment, including abortion. So what are we doing for them?

This paper assesses women’s awareness of the liberalization of abortion law and their knowledge of a place for obtaining abortion services in Nepal. The data are from the 2011 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey. The results are compared with data from a similar survey conducted in 2006. The results suggest the need to intensify efforts to educate women in Nepal, particularly the most disadvantaged women, about abortion law, including the conditions under which abortion is permitted, and where to access safe abortion services.

Couples’ unmet need for family planning in three west African countries Conclusión. En México no existe correlación entre la elevada atención del parto en unidades médicas y la RMM, por lo que no sólo es necesario garantizar la atención universal …

Couples’ unmet need for family planning in three west African countries Resultados. En 2012, 31.2% de las adolescentes (15-19 años) había iniciado vida sexual; el uso del condón aumentó de 31.8 a 47.8% entre 2006 y 2012. El 47.9% de 30 a 34 años …