Archives: Resources
Esta ficha informativa describe un estudio realizado por Ipas y Miles en Chile, en el año 2017, en el que se indagó sobre el uso de la Aspiración Manual Endouterina (AMEU) vrs el legrado uterino instrumental (LUI) para la evacuación endouterina, con un …
Many countries with women’s ministries face rightwing and religious attempts to eliminate or downgrade their influence – and in some cases, to change their mandates altogether. When this happens, it’s a strong signal that other democratic structures may also be at risk.
Ce manuel est destiné à préparer les prestataires de soins à dispenser aux femmes des services de soins après avortement de qualité. Il peut être utile à un large groupe cible, notamment aux cliniciens, aux formateurs, aux directeurs de programmes et à ceux qui œuvrent en vue de l’extension des services. Il propose des informations cliniques approfondies sur les options sûres et efficaces pour une évacuation utérine au cours du premier trimestre et aborde plus largement les problèmes liés à la prestation de services et à leur accessibilité, notamment les droits des adolescentes et des très jeunes femmes, la communication entre patiente et prestataire de soins et le suivi visant à améliorer la qualité des services. Il peut être utilisé dans les pays où il n’existe pas d’indications légales à une interruption volontaire de grossesse ou dans ceux où la législation impose des restrictions importantes en matière d’interruption volontaire de grossesse.
Despite broad grounds for legal abortion in Zambia, access to abortion services remains limited. Pharmacy workers, a primary source of health care for communities, present an opportunity to bridge the gap between policy and practice.
Humanitarian aid focuses on immediate needs such as shelter, clean water, food and safe and sanitary facilities, but people living in crises also need sexual and reproductive health care, including safe abortion and contraception.
Este juego de herramientas es un recurso para capacitadores, administradores de programas y asesores técnicos que organizan o facilitan eventos de capacitación y talleres de promoción y defensa (advocacy) en el campo de la salud sexual y reproductiva. Les proporciona a capacitadores experimentados información, materiales, instrucciones y consejos necesarios para facilitar eficazmente intervenciones de aclaración de valores y transformación de actitudes respecto al aborto.
In this blog (in Portuguese), Ipas senior policy and advocacy advisor Bia Galli writes that, in the wake of an historic public hearing before the Supreme Court of Brazil on the topic of abortion, it’s time to acknowledge that a democratic debate with the same diversity of arguments and plurality of views has not been possible in Brazil’s Congress. The reality and impact of Brazil’s highly restrictive abortion law continues to be ignored by parliamentarians representing religious and conservative groups opposed to reproductive autonomy for Brazilian women. In this scenario, the approval of a bill lessening restrictions on abortion is not only unlikely but utopian. Whether you are for or against the decriminalization of abortion, opposing debate on the issue is simply undemocratic.
Ce guide est une source d’informations pour tous ceux qui mettent en œuvre les programmes et les supervisent, pour les conseillers techniques et pour les formateurs qui développent des interventions en vue d’améliorer l’accès aux soins d’avortement et à la contraception. Il propose des stratégies visant à améliorer l’inclusion du handicap dans les politiques, la prestation de service et les interventions de mobilisation de la communauté qui peuvent être adaptées de manière à répondre au plus près des besoins spécifiques et uniques de chaque contexte.
Même si elles représentent un pourcentage considérable de la population, les personnes handicapées1 sont très mal prises en charge et même négligées par les services de santé sexuelle et reproductive, et plus particulièrement par ceux axés sur l’avortement sécurisé et la contraception. Alors que les donateurs, les agents des programmes de santé reproductive, les universités et les activistes commencent à se pencher sérieusement sur les besoins et les droits des personnes en situation de handicap, on ne peut que constater la persistance de lacunes conséquentes dans certains domaines relatifs à l’avortement sécurisé et à la contraception.
This guide is a resource for program implementers and managers, technical advisors and trainers who design interventions to improve access to abortion and contraceptive care. It offers strategies for improving disability inclusion in policy, service delivery and community engagement interventions and can be adapted to meet the unique needs of each context. Recommendations are based on the human rights model of disability, which includes a “twin-track” approach that promotes the empowerment of people with disabilities by creating disability-specific initiatives and integrating disability inclusion in general programming. Active and meaningful participation of people with disabilities throughout all stages of planning, implementing and evaluating abortion and contraceptive care interventions is a core principle underlying each recommendation included in this guide.
Despite being a considerable percentage of the population, people with disabilities are grossly underserved and neglected by sexual and reproductive health services, particularly those focused on safe abortion and contraceptive care. While donors, sexual and reproductive health program implementers, universities and activists are beginning to examine the needs and rights of people with disabilities, considerable gaps persist in the specific areas of safe abortion and contraceptive care.
In 2017, Ipas continued to train doctors, midwives and nurses to safely and respectfully perform abortions and provide counseling on contraceptive options. We continued partnering with community-based organizations—experts on the needs of women and girls in their communities—to teach people about their sexual and reproductive rights. We also continued to educate policymakers about the need for safe abortion, to train police and lawyers on how to uphold women’s rights within their legal systems, and to partner with local groups that advocate for sexual and reproductive rights. Learn about our impact in 2017 and read stories and highlights from the year in our annual report.
This training manual is for clinical mentors and others providing clinical and programmatic support to health-care providers offering abortion-related care. It includes content, activities and materials to improve their knowledge, attitudes and skills for clinical mentoring and provider support.
This report looks at initiatives in four countries—Nigeria, Nepal, Ghana and Zambia—where Ipas is working with governments, communities and other partners to provide clinical and programmatic support to providers and health-care facilities.
This toolkit is designed to help district or national-level clinicians, facility managers or program managers initiate the use of misoprostol as a medical treatment for incomplete abortion or integrate misoprostol into existing postabortion care services.
The Medical Abortion Training Guide, Second Edition, is designed for training providers on the delivery of high-quality, clinic-based, first-trimester medical abortion, particularly in limited-resource settings. It has been updated to reflect the latest evidence from the World Health Organization (WHO) and other important source documents. It includes current clinical evidence addressing the unique needs of young women and recommendations on ways to work with communities to improve information, social support and access to medical abortion.
The Medical Abortion Study Guide, Second Edition, describes the use of medications for first-trimester abortion. It is intended to prepare health-care providers for the in-person skills training and clinical practicum portions of medical abortion training programs. It can also serve as a reference manual during training events and for future reference.
This analysis aimed to estimate the costs and cost- effectiveness of providing first-trimester medication abortion and manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) services to inform planning for first-trimester service provision in South Africa and similar settings. It found that the cost per complete medication abortion was lower than the cost per complete MVA. This analysis supports the scale-up of medication abortion alongside existing MVA services in South Africa. Women can be offered a choice of methods, including medication abortion with MVA as a back-up, without increasing costs.
This study looked at the socio-economic profile of women seeking abortion services in public health facilities across Madhya Pradesh state and at out of pocket cost accessing abortion services. In particular, it examined the level of access that poor women have to safe abortion services in Madhya Pradesh. Findings highlight that, overall, 57% of women who received abortion care at public health facilities were poor, followed by 21% moderate and 22% rich. Improved availability of safe abortion services at the primary level in Madhya Pradesh has helped meeting the need of safe abortion services among poor, which eventually will help reducing the maternal mortality and morbidity due to unsafe abortion.
In Bangladesh, abortion is restricted except to save the life of a woman, but menstrual regulation is allowed to induce menstruation and return to non-pregnancy after a missed period. MR services are typically provided through the Directorate General of Family Planning, while postabortion care services for incomplete abortion are provided by facilities under the Directorate General of Health Services. The bifurcated health system results in reduced quality of care, particularly for postabortion care patients. This study evaluated the success of a pilot project that aimed to integrate menstrual regulation, postabortion care and family planning services across six Directorate General of Health Services and Directorate General of Family Planning facilities by training providers on woman-centered abortion care and adding family planning services at sites offering postabortion care.