Women-led climate justice social media campaign

Climate change is one of the defining crises of our time, and women and girls disproportionately bear the brunt of suffering from climate events and stress. Yet women and young people are not just “victims” of climate change; their voices must be amplified as we seek solutions.

Join us in raising awareness of the connections between climate change and reproductive justice during CSW 66, which will focus on achieving gender equality and empowerment of women and girls in the context of climate change. We hope our partners will share this social media campaign content, so that key stakeholders, advocates, and activists will join in the movement for women-led climate justice.

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Week 1: March 14-18

Content focus: Climate change causes increased difficulty traveling to health clinics or pharmacies for contraception or abortion services.

The need for contraception and abortion services increases during climate events while access to these services decreases.

4 ways climate change impacts reproductive health

We need women-led climate justice

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Week 2: March 21-25

Content focus: Longer, possibly more dangerous walks to get clean water

Women and girls are at higher risk of gender-based violence and unwanted pregnancy if they live in places affected by climate change.

3 ways women, girls, and people who can get pregnant suffer greater impacts of climate change

Climate Justice is Reproductive Justice

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Content focus: Climate change disrupts education

When access to education is reduced because of climate events, young people, especially girls, suffer. Girls may miss or drop out of school because they’re forced to work, or travel to collect water, or are married early.

Art by Marcita (@animarcita)

Climate change disrupts education

Sample content

Sample post copy

How does climate change increase people’s need for abortion services? Disasters destroy homes and cause displacement, which increases the risk of sexual violence and need for abortions services.

Climate change touches every corner of the globe—and every part of people’s lives, reproductive health included. There will be no climate justice unless there is reproductive justice too.

Climate justice = Repro justice. Remember, suffering is never siloed! We cannot tackle the climate crisis independent of reproductive, gender, or racial justice.

The climate crisis is presenting a very particular set of challenges for girls and young women. Some of these things are new, others have existed for a long time and are now being exacerbated. What’s clear? We need women-led climate justice.

We need women-led climate justice. Period.

All suffering is connected. Some people will want to compartmentalize climate and reproductive health. But the connection is clear. People who can get pregnant bear the brunt of climate- related suffering.

Sample Tweets

#Climate disasters force an estimated 20 million people a year from their homes. And this directly impacts women’s and girls’ #reproductive health. #CSW66

The #climate crises denies #women and girls power over their own bodies. We need #women-led #climate justice. #CSW66

Women need power to control their fertility. In the face of climate disasters, without access to #contraception or #abortion, many women can’t prevent unwanted pregnancy & struggle to provide for the children they already have. #Reprohealth, including #abortion, needs to be centered when finding solutions to the #climatecrisis

All suffering is connected. We can’t separate #womensrights from #humanrights or #reproductive justice from #climate justice. You can’t tackle the climate crisis without tackling #genderequity. All are intertwined. #CSW66

Investment in #SRHR and #genderequality is critical, so that women and girls, young people, communities & health systems will have #climate resiliency. This work is urgent and MUST center #women & girls needs. #CSW66

Some may think #abortion & #contraception are not related to #climatechange, but we know women are most impacted by climate disasters & their well-being is essential to that of their families and communities. We NEED to make the connection between #reprohealth & #climate #CSW66

Women & girls disproportionately bear the brunt of suffering from climate-related events. Yet their needs are systemically set aside when working to mitigate climate impact, forcing generations of women & girls to develop a resiliency previously unknown in our global community. #CSW66

Women, girls, and all people who can get pregnant disproportionately bear the brunt of climate-related events and environmental stress. We need #women-led #climatejustice. #CSW66


#ClimateJusticeIsReproJustice #TheFutureIsIntersectional #ClimateJusticeForAll #IntersectionalEnvironmentalism #climate #climatechange #climateaction #climatecrisis #ClimateJusticeIsRacialJustice #thisispublichealth #abortionishealthcare #prochoice #abortionrights #abortion #mybodymychoice #feminist #reproductiverights #keepabortionsafeandlegal #reproductivejustice #humanrights #abortionaccess #choice #reproductivehealth #keepabortionlegal #intersectionality #intersectionalfeminism

Learn why we need women-led climate justice