Abortion values clarification for action and transformation (VCAT)

Home 9 Our Work 9 Abortion values clarification for action and transformation (VCAT)

For almost two decades, Ipas has conducted workshops around the world to encourage health providers, policymakers, and others to reflect on their values and attitudes toward abortion and consider the consequences when abortion access is not available.

These “values clarification for action and transformation” (VCAT) workshops encourage participants to explore their assumptions about abortion and examine their role in assuring people’s safe access to abortion care. Abortion VCAT exercises are proven to help people understand the critical importance of abortion access and become more comfortable and confident as advocates, health workers, and community members who support abortion rights.

A proven approach

The World Health Organization recommends values clarification trainings for abortion providers to address the role that abortion stigma plays in preventing people from getting the care they need. A study by Ipas found that VCAT workshops are effective at improving participants’ knowledge, attitudes and behavioral intentions related to abortion care, especially among those who come to the workshops with the least knowledge and most negatives attitudes about abortion.

What workshop participants have to say

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The discussions during the workshop were eye opening. I was previously feeling negative about induced abortion due to religious beliefs. But now I understand that it is an individual choice and right to seek safe abortion services and my duty is to support every woman/girl to access it anytime they need it despite my personal values or beliefs.”

– Participant from Rwanda

“Words would not be sufficient to cover the importance and benefits of this workshop.”

“The case studies discussed during the workshop touched me enormously because this is exactly what is happening in our communities.”

“Overall, it was a challenging workshop as it made me question my core beliefs while also accommodating different views and opinions.”

“The training is really interactive and allows all to participate.”

Abortion VCAT resources

Ipas’s workshop facilitator guides and accompanying tools help abortion VCAT facilitators plan and carry out workshops for a variety of audiences and settings—and on a variety of topics related to abortion access. These resources are not structured curricula, but rather flexible collections of activities and materials that can be used individually or in combination to meet the needs of different groups.

Abortion Values Clarification for Action and Transformation (VCAT)


Abortion self-care: A values clarification toolkit


Disability inclusion in reproductive health programs


A values clarification toolkit for humanitarian audiences


Values clarification activities adapted for young women


Join our community

Training Together is a global, multilingual online learning community for abortion VCAT facilitators. Members enjoy robust conversations on key questions surrounding VCAT and abortion, as well as online opportunities to learn from experts and from one another. This is a safe, private community with a single goal: to support abortion VCAT facilitators and help build their skills. If you’re a current or future abortion VCAT facilitator, we’d love to have you join our community.

Contact us

Have a question about abortion VCAT? Interested in a training for your organization? Want to become an abortion VCAT facilitator? We’d love to talk to you.