Data shows that eight percent of all children in the world are victims of sexual violence before the age of 18, and in Bolivia, that number is as high as 23 percent. That’s why Ipas Bolivia has been partnering with public schools to train teachers and provide resources that teach children how they can prevent sexual violence, how to support friends that have experienced it, and what to do if it happens to them.
Recently, Ipas Bolivia coordinated with the El Alto Network for the Prevention of Sexual Violence to launch its latest campaign to prevent sexual violence against children called “Let’s paint a life without violence.” In two schools in the city of El Alto, Ipas Bolivia presented an educational children’s play as well as provided school supply kits with educational materials the students could take home.
“This campaign uses educational approaches that we know work—things like theater, art and an informative coloring book they can keep with them—to teach children about complicated and sensitive issues like preventing sexual violence,” says Malena Morales, director of Ipas Bolivia.
‘Say no, shout and ask for help’
The educational play shows girls and boys that they are not alone if they experience sexual violence. It encourages them to break their silence and seek reliable support if it happens to them. The performance teaches children what prevention measures they can take and how to find help if they need it.
“The work seemed excellent to me. We cannot always trust relatives, aunts, uncles or friends.”

The children also received school supply kits containing an educational coloring book. Ipas Bolivia has been using the story “Sarita has value” in materials for several years to share vital information that can help keep children safe.

“It has been good to work with Sarita’s story, assimilating and having fun … It is important to thank Ipas for the constant support we have received and to ask them to keep going because it benefits everyone.”
Learn more about how Ipas is advancing comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) programs across the world to make a positive impact on young people’s sexual and reproductive health—and their ability to make safe and informed decisions.