Director, Ipas Democratic Republic of Congo

Dr. Jean-Claude Mulunda leads Ipas’s work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. As an experienced trainer and outspoken advocate for sexual and reproductive health and rights, he has fought for universal access to high-quality care, including access to legal and safe abortion, for more than 12 years. He played an instrumental role in the Maputo Protocol domestication and Comprehensive Abortion Care Standards and Guidelines development processes in the DRC over the last six years, in close collaboration with in-country partners, government officials, parliamentarians, and donors. Before joining Ipas in 2018, Dr. Jean-Claude Mulunda managed humanitarian, reproductive health and rights, youth, and sexual-based violence projects for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and International Planned Parenthood’s DRC affiliate. Dr. Mulunda received his medical training from the University of Kinshasa and Program Management Certification in Israel.
Photo by Esther Sweeney for Ipas.