June 16, 2023

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Ipas University is new and improved

Our free online training for sexual and reproductive health professionals just got better.

Ipas University (IpasU) is a free online learning platform featuring interactive courses designed for practicing clinicians, clinicians in training, health-care workers, program administrators and other professionals who work in sexual and reproductive health (SRH) programming.

Ernest Nyamato holding microphone and speaking to an audience.

In this short Q&A, Ernest Nyamato, Ipas’s associate director of quality of care, shares why now is the time for professionals to get to know—or revisit—Ipas University.

Q: Why should SRH professionals choose IpasU?

Dr. Nyamato: We’ve just improved the user experience online and updated several of our most popular IpasU courses. Plus, all IpasU courses are developed by a team of experts in the SRH field. Our courses reflect up-to-date, evidence-based guidelines and best practices from around the globe to ensure optimal learning experiences.


Q: What unique value does IpasU offer in the SRH field? What does it provide that people can’t find elsewhere?

Dr Nyamato: Ipas is an established clinical training leader, with over 30 years of experience training health-care providers on high-quality abortion care. Because Ipas is a global organization with a primary focus on low- and middle-income countries, Ipas University courses are uniquely tailored to the specific needs of health-care providers working in these environments.


Q: What can we look forward to in the future from IpasU?

Dr. Nyamato: We are currently developing a course on self-managed abortion, with additional courses in the initial planning stages. Future courses will be accessible in all four of Ipas’s languages—English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

Ready to explore IpasU? Visit www.ipasu.org to register for an account, then follow the simple instructions to explore our course catalogue and start learning.

We want your feedback: Your suggestions for new courses are highly appreciated; please email us to share your ideas. Stay tuned for announcements regarding upcoming IpasU courses!

More about our available IpasU courses

IpasU courses in English include:

  • Abortion Care for Young Women—This course is designed for clinicians, other health-care workers, advocates and others who seek to learn the fundamentals of providing high-quality abortion care services to young women.
  • Introduction to Abortion VCAT Facilitation—This course focuses on essential skills needed to facilitate abortion VCAT activities and workshops effectively; it is intended as an introduction and is not a substitute for facilitator training.
  • Introduction to Abortion with Mifepristone and Misoprostol—This course is designed as a general introduction for clinicians and health-care workers interested in learning about abortion with mifepristone and misoprostol.
  • Managing Facility Supply of Medicines for Abortion-Related Care—Designed to accompany the Ipas Medical Abortion (MA) Supply Guidance Tool, this course is designed for professionals involved in health-care service delivery and for operational staff with responsibilities related to the availability and management of mifepristone and/or misoprostol.
  • Misoprostol for Postabortion Care (PAC)—This course is designed for clinicians and health-care workers who want to learn the basics of using misoprostol for poastabortion care (PAC).
  • Postabortion Contraception—Designed for clinicians and other health-care workers, this course addresses contraceptive needs after abortion.
  • Uterine Evacuation (EU) with Ipas MVA Plus—Designed for clinicians and other health-care workers, this course covers the basics of uterine evacuation with the Ipas MVA Plus.

IpasU courses in Spanish include:

  • Aborto con mifepristona y misoprostol—Este curso fue creado como una introducción general para profesionales clínicos y trabajadores de salud interesados en aprender sobre el aborto con mifepristona y misoprostol.
  • Aborto en el primer trimestre con misoprostol—Este curso fue creado como una introducción general para profesionales clínicos y otros trabajadores de salud interesados en aprender sobre el aborto con misoprostol solo.
  • Anticoncepción postaborto—Creado para profesionales clínicos y otros trabajadores de salud, este curso aborda las necesidades anticonceptivas después del aborto.
  • Datos y características del aspirador Ipas AMEU Plus—Como una introducción general para los prestadores de servicios de salud, este curso describe el aspirador Ipas AMEU Plus y las cánulas Ipas EasyGrip y su uso para la evacuación endouterina.
  • Introducción a la evacuación endouterina con medicamentos—Este curso fue creado como una introducción general para trabajadores de salud, incluidos el personal clínico y no clínico, interesados en conocer más acerca del uso de medicamentos para la interrupción del embarazo y la atención postaborto.
  • Misoprostol para la atención postaborto (APA)—Este curso está destinado a médicos y trabajadores de salud que deseen aprender los aspectos básicos del uso del misoprostol para la atención postaborto (APA).
  • Servicios de aborto para las mujeres jóvenes—Este curso fue creado para profesionales clínicos, otros trabajadores de salud, promotores y otras personas que buscan aprender los fundamentos de la prestación de servicios de atención segura del aborto a mujeres jóvenes.