…staff and board members from the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean, pose with the iconic green bandanas that have come to symbolize the Green Wave movement the world…
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In first-ever Green Wave Gathering, abortion rights activists unite across borders
…leaders from across the Americas, including through future Green Wave Gatherings.
The Green Wave Gathering ended with a powerful public action called a “pañuelazo” in Freedom Plaza in Washington,…
Advocating for women-led climate justice
Home 9 Search query for: green wave Climate change is one of the defining crises of our time, and people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights are affected by this…
5 ways youth are powerful advocates for reproductive justice
…a regional feminist network in Argentina.
“The Green Wave is made up of all of us. The Green Wave is for all of us.”
After Argentina’s historic move…
Mexico’s Supreme Court declares unconstitutional the regulation of abortion in the federal criminal code
Another historic victory for the Green Wave movement
Mexico’s Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that the Federal Penal Code’s abortion regulations are unconstitutional, including the criminalization of individuals who
Passing the Green Torch To Our Sisters: How the Green Wave Took Over the U.S.
Abortion decriminalized in Colombia: both a win and a starting point
…in the penal system.
The Green Wave is a shining example of collective transnational power, built on grassroots feminist partnerships. “When we think about the Green Wave, we think…
8 ways Ipas will make a difference in 2024
…from leaders and activists involved in Latin America’s Green Wave feminist movement that has driven abortion law reform across the region (participants above with their green bandanas, the now-famous symbol…
‘Green Wave Continues’ Across Latin America as Mexican Supreme Court Decriminalizes Abortion
In historic shift, Argentina legalizes abortion
…advocates here and across Latin America have worn green handkerchiefs, becoming known as the “green wave” washing across the region—and showing the power of collective activism to build a more…
Notes from the field: Mexico City 15 years after law change
…lots of green. Green dresses, green scarves, you name it, all worn proudly in solidarity with the “green wave” of abortion rights activism that has been sweeping across Latin America…
9 ways Ipas made a difference in 2024
…Ipas LAC
4. Green Wave Gathering: Inspiring activism and solidarity across the Americas
Ipas and partners hosted the second Green Wave Gathering in May 2024 in Mexico City, uniting…
The Americas
Home 9 Search query for: green wave
Abortion rights and access vary widely across the Americas, but powerful movements for abortion rights are growing. The Green Wave feminist movement
‘She had done nothing wrong’
…the “green wave” of abortion rights activism continues to sweep through the region, beginning with a historic victory in Argentina in 2020 and a recent court ruling in Colombia that…
Countries around the world continue to advance abortion rights. In the United States, it’s a different story.
…taken place in Latin America, a region with some of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the world. In the wake of the “green wave” of abortion rights activism that swept…
Mexico’s Supreme Court declares criminalizing abortion unconstitutional
…Mexico. Many activists have been inspired by the “Green Wave” feminist movement that began in Argentina, where years of advocacy resulted in the historic legalization of abortion at the end…
Home 9 Search query for: green wave
Abortion access in Mexico is expanding as a growing advocacy movement gains traction. In 2007, Mexico City passed landmark legislation to make
Ipas Impact Report 2023
For over 50 years, Ipas has worked to ensure that reproductive health care, including abortion and contraception, are available and accessible to all. In this report, we are proud
Ipas Case Statement. For more than 40 years, the Ipas mission has never wavered: To ensure that no woman or girl dies or is injured as a result of unsafe abortion.
This case statement for major donor prospects explains Ipas’s unique approach to achieving women’s access to safe abortion and rights….
Green (with envy) about the gay rights movement
More than half the population supports gay marriage and families. So when will abortion and women’s rights to reproductive self-determination be a cultural norm?…